This week at St. John Lutheran School
Not only did the students harvest crops from the garden, they prepared bruschetta to share!
Not only did the students harvest crops from the garden, they prepared bruschetta to share!
St. Nicholas Market preparations have begun! Mark your calendars for Friday, December 6 from 12pm-2pm!
St. John students opening Commissioner’s Court with the pledges
We love our weekly visits to Morningside at Menger Springs to engage with our wiser generation!
Students participate in St. John’s Discipleship Pathway as they do their daily First 15. In Pastor Water’s sermon last week, he challenged everyone to listen to what God is telling YOU. Students learned how to mark God’s message to THEM in their own Bibles.
Our students know the power of prayer.
Students attended the KCFA Cowboy Breakfast hosted by Frost Bank.
Arks were constructed and tested at Cibolo Creek during our daily chapel service.
This week the students walked to Hungry Horse in Boerne for lunch. YUM!